August 6, 2008

Goodbye Dubai, Hello Addis Ababa

Goodbye beautifully clean city, full of dreamers and wealth...

Our first impression of Ethiopia, the airport. We waited over an hour to get through the Visa line and immigration. Then the driver and operations coordinator were there to meet us, holding up a sign to greet us. We were surprised when Tamirat told us we would get to meet Etame the following day! We had assumed we would have to wait for the other families to get there which would make the next day very difficult.

Hello Addis Ababa, and friendly warm people...I really do feel like a sense of peace has come over me. I can just see a change in myself in this picture. We are truly happy...

Big brother is doing surprisingly well. He went through an angry spell when we returned home but is coming out of that. Here is James swelling with brotherly pride...

And this one makes me laugh. They both seem to be thinking the same thing, "What do we do now?"...


  1. Hi there! We're a fellow Holt Ethiopia family! Love your pictures and am so enjoying hearing about your trip1

  2. She makes your family even MORE beautiful. I'm glad things are going so well!

  3. How sweet! Can't wait to hear the rest of your journey even as I am slowly cataloging mine.

  4. What a beautiful picture of the 3 of you!So fun to read about your adventure! Lot's of Love!


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